If you’re going mountain biking, taking a camping trip to hit the trails, or you’ve signed up for a bike marathon, there are certain steps you should take to prepare. You need to get your mind and body in shape. And you need to be sure you’ve got all the proper gear to make the big trip a success. With proper training and some foresight, your next big outing can be a success. Consider these pointers from the McT Real Estate Group.
Get fit
No matter the terrain – a dirt path or a paved road – any long-distance cycling requires different types of training. Functional training is a key component. The goal is to train the muscles and respiratory systems to be ready when called upon. It’s important to put practice time in on the bike and to include repeated hill climbs. You can also train off the bike. For example, kettlebell training works the whole body while also focusing on the large muscle groups that are vital for biking.
Of course, it’s important to train at a safe, gradual, and tapered pace. Don’t start with 15 miles if you’ve only been biking two or three.
“The best way to monitor your training increments is by totaling the mileage ridden each week, but training is not just about miles,” says Total Women’s Cycling.
Not all biking is downhill or on flat surfaces, so ride the hills and push your limits to ensure you can more easily handle the ascents on the big day. There are many bike trails in and around San Diego that you can enjoy, several of which are ranked as “easy” or “moderate” by Calfornia.com. Find one that speaks to you and get to know it!
Restful training is equally as important in order to give your muscles a break. During rest days, don’t go full veg but consider moderate activities such as climbing stairs to get to your office, or brisk walking around the neighborhood.
Get race-ready
For a marathon, being race-prepared is crucial, and that means getting in the right mindset. Think of a strategy that will help you complete the race. You want to be able to properly pace yourself to have the energy for the final push. Doing a smaller event before the marathon gives you a test run and a chance to resolve any hitches before the big race, so you’ll go into the main event with more confidence.
Get a tune-up
Having your bike in tip-top shape is also crucial. REI.com notes that a professional bike fitting can adjust your bike so that you have more efficient riding, less muscle aches and pains, and more general comfort while you ride. You should also get your bike serviced and properly cleaned. As far as equipment, all you really need during a marathon is one bottle cage, a few energy gels, and a spares pack. Mountain biking requires more gear, such as a multi-tool, zip ties, and a first aid kit.
Wrap Up Work-Related Tasks
You’ll also want to tie up loose ends at work before you leave. If you run a business, simple actions like designating a registered agent can make things run smoothly while you’re gone. When you establish a registered agent (in California it’s an Agent for Service of Process), you outline major decision-making and processes. This way you’re covered if anything serious pops up, like a lawsuit or tax notification.
Eat right
During training, and especially in the days leading up to the race, it’s important to follow a balanced diet, watch nutritional intake, and stay well hydrated. Be careful not to over hydrate. During a race, this can be as dangerous as dehydration. Getting adequate rest during training and the days leading up to the race is also imperative.
Whether you’ll hit the trails for a mountain bike excursion or race down the road for a bike marathon, you should be adequately prepared. Take the time to prepare your mind and body for the trip. Plan ahead to be ready with the right equipment and gear. A big race or a long outing is exciting and a real accomplishment. Set a goal for yourself and go out and do it.
The McT Real Estate Group has been in the San Diego real estate industry since 2004 and have quickly become some of the Top Real Estate Agents in the North Park, South Park, and metro neighborhoods of San Diego. If you are thinking of buying a house near the mountain trails in San Diego, reach out to us today! 619-736-7003.