We can all agree that pets are a wonderful addition to any family with enough time, patience, and love to give. However, regardless of how beneficial your pets are to you, they will make certain activities more complex than they would otherwise be. Selling your home is one such activity. And it’s considerably more difficult if you’re trying to buy and sell a house at the same time! Although you may have grown accustomed to everything that comes with owning a pet, such as their odor and strewn toys, potential buyers will notice these signals right away and be less willing to buy your San Diego home. Use our well-researched list of the best tips for selling a house with pets at home so you may increase these chances and your home value.
Consider their well-being every step of the way
It’s crucial to remember that, even though your pets may be a nuisance during this process, their well-being should always come first. More often than not, such an endeavor will prove to not only be taxing to you but also your pet. Even the most well-behaved and laid-back pet may react negatively to new people visiting their home. Additionally, your pets will be able to detect and replicate your emotions, such as stress. This is especially true on the day of your feared (but eagerly anticipated) moving day. Focus on their well-being and keep your pets safe by preemptively visiting a veterinarian. Inform them of the upcoming relocation and get advice about what you may do to reduce the stress your pet experiences.

Repair damage done by pets
It’s easy to miss the damage your pet has made over time because you’ve gone through your house so many times. On the other hand, potential buyers evaluate properties with a critical eye. Even a little flaw can make people feel your home isn’t in as good of a shape as they’d like. To avoid this, fix the damage to increase the market value of your home. Depending on your pet, you may need to make some changes to various sections of your home. So go for a stroll around your house, paying close attention to any problems you see and noting them down.
Pets, such as cats and dogs, are most likely to cause damage to your carpets. On the other hand, having them professionally cleaned may solve the majority of your problems. However, if your rugs still show signs of wear, consider replacing them entirely. Cover any torn furniture, polish wood floors, and patch up your walls, among other things. These repairs may be costly, but the overall property resale value improvement will more than offset the costs.
Deep clean to remove any traces of your pets
When it comes to concerns like fur-covered furniture, odors that won’t go away, and unsightly stains, deep cleaning your home is the best remedy. Of course, even if you aren’t selling a house with pets, this is a crucial step to boost your chances of getting a higher price for your home.
To get rid of fur, vacuum everything from carpets to furniture thoroughly. While you’re at it, wash any removable cushion covers to get rid of anything that can attract a potential buyer’s attention. As for the dreaded pet odor, many items on the market may help, such as air purifiers and sprays. Try them on and see which one works best for you. Finally, professionals should clean stains, but you may do it yourself with the right cleaning solutions and equipment.

Declutter your home from pet-related items
When selling your home, consider the many types of people who might visit. According to moving specialists mod-movers.com, it is your responsibility to declutter and depersonalize your home as much as possible before taking pictures or staging your home. And that includes any pet-related objects such as their cage, food dishes, toys, and blankets.
Your pets play such an essential role in your life. So, you’ll probably have mementos such as photographs of them everywhere around your home. Be careful, this may put some people off. After all, you want potential buyers to envision themselves in your property rather than you.

Don’t market your home as pet-friendly
Your primary focus when selling a house is to reach a broader audience. And you won’t be doing so if you explicitly list your home as “pet-friendly”. Of course, if you have permanent additions to your home, be honest and inform prospective buyers. It’s always best if they know what they can expect. Building trust is vital when selling a house with pets. Buyers with pets will be able to determine just how pet-friendly your home (and the surrounding) neighborhood is without you specifically listing it as pet-friendly. On the other hand, pet-free buyers will not be put off by a label such as “pet-friendly” when looking for their dream home.
Make sure your pets are out of the picture as much as possible
There are many ways to keep your pets out of the way when selling a house with pets. And, while other family members are present during the staging of your home, you can spend some quality time with your beloved pets. You may even try some new activities out, such as the various dog-friendly ones in San Diego. On the other hand, you could hire a local pet-sitter. They will keep your pets occupied and happy while attending to other essential responsibilities.
Tips for Selling a Home in San Diego